Mary Immaculate Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is the highest consultative, planning and implementing body of the parish. It is a representative body under the direction and guidance of the Parish Priest, or his representative, which is set up for research, planning, implementation, coordination and evaluation of major activities within the Parish. The final decision on resolution of issues always remains with the Parish Priest.

Fr. Oliver Aro, MSP
Parish Priest
Robert Muscat
Principal John Paul II
Sharon Mizzi
Principal Mary Immculate
Lesley Studans
Principal St Josephs
Aubrey Joahcim
PPC President
Ralph Allan
PPC Vise President

Laxmi Thiruchinnapalli
Parish Council Member
Bobby Lastica
WH 'N' S
Loveth Trenholme
Parish Council Member
Beverley Rutledge
Deanery Representative
Cheryl Roy
Parish Council Secretary

Social Committee Representative


Anthony Saliba
Parish Council Member
Chrys Silva
SRE Representative
Ding Mojica
Parish Council Member
Bruce Moa
Building Representative
Tara George
Liturgy Representative
Mercee Mailig
Finance Representative